Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Crazy's crazy adventures episode 2

Liam: I beat the coven!!! YAY! Party in the life tower!!! NYAH NYAH NYAH!!!!!
Trevor: Bakaro [means idiot]

Liam: then I went on to wintertusk. Here are some photos.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Liam and Steven's adventures (includes test realm photos)

Liam: What did I do... I won the spiral cup,  and beat some more of grizzlehiem, and helped a friend!

Hadarai[my dungeons and dragons charactor]: I hi-


Hadarai: I'll buy the Saturday Corner.

Liam: Deal

Trevor: Idoits

Liam now for my photos!!

Steven: I checked out the new houses and fought random enemies in Dragonspyre. Here are m photos.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Patcher finnally loaded

Liam: First I played 101 for 5 mins, then I kayaked for an hour, then I practiced Japanese for a half hour then I tweeted and played 101 for 20 mins.

Crazy's latest atempt to get back to bloging.

Liam: Yes. Liam is a bad boy. :(

Do you want me to get back to bloging though?

Anyway, I should get to beating Grizzlehiem.

Trever: Yep, Liam isn't even on Wintertusk yet. *sigh*

Liam: *wimper* I'm on a vacation so I am on my old slow computer. It doesn't even have the latest patch. Please vote on my new poll called "Do you want me to come back the blogspot?*"

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